It's already February, and a lot has been happening here in Carrillos. We've had wonderful people from various parts in the midwestern US (and a few from elsewhere) busy working. The playground/park walls have their final coats cement, and the long bench is done. They also did some grading above the upper wall, and dug out and poured the sidewalk. I'm continually amazed at how fast things get done around here--the Wisconsin VIM group did that whole bench in their five work days, from digging the trench to laying the block, to pouring the concrete top. (Of course, I'm especially proud of them because I am also from WI.) To be fair, I should also mention that the Minnesota group brought some incredible skills here, completing 30 high chairs for the Posada de Belen, sewing blankets and knitting hats, and doing a wide variety of other projects as well.
And we also did another session of VBS at the Pentecostal church, and dedicated painters have finished several classrooms, exterior walls, and metal stairs at the school. Catching a quick breath before volunteers from Iowa arrive in a few days. (Really, what is with all these midwestern people coming now? It must be all the snow up there right now, I keep forgetting what they're escaping from!)
Sorry for the long update--lots to catch up on!
(This picture is of Minnesotans digging out for the sidewalk. More pictures coming soon!)