Youth, College, Adult and Family Mission Trips to Costa Rica

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Merry Christmas from Strong Missions

Hello All! 

We at Strong Missions continue to be blessed by the love and support we receive from all of you and Christmas is no exception. Jesus truly is the reason for the season, and we have been blessed and honored to have several churches lift up Strong Missions as part of their special Christmas Offerings. 

The outpouring of support has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and we are still receiving support to help Strong Missions finish the year financially. For more information on how to give please click here

As a thank you to all those who have supported us in the past and continue to faithfully give of yourself financial, physically and spiritually, here is a quick update video!

Keep an eye out for more information about the second half of 2016 in early Januuary. Until that time, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you and your families during the season of His birth. 

Blessings to all!