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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update: Los Guidos Feeding Program- Panes y Peces (Bread and Fish)

Details about the current needs for Panes y Peces- feeding program at Los Guidos Methodist Church.
  • $4,000/month needed to be able to feed 120 kids 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) in the low  income and needy area of Los Guidos.
  • Currently there is $1,540 being received each month from churches and individual donors.
  • Strong Missions is providing $760 each month to help out with the financial needs of the feeding program.
  • With the approximate total $2,300 available each month- 80 to100 children are being fed on average during the 6 days that meals are served; however the food of the meals are with significantly diminished nutritional value.
  • The forming of a foundation for Panes y Peces is in the works to help make supporting this ministry more convenient and accessible.
Regular financial givers and donors as well as one-time donations are needed to help meet the $4,000 goal mark that will allow to feed more children with food that has a much higher nutritional value for their growth and development.

Please contact via email ( or just add a comment to the blog  if you are able to help support the needs of Panes y Peces or if you have any other questions.

Thanks and God Bless, Christian

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