Hello all, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our most successful year yet. Before the season is over next month, we will have had close to 570 trip participants through here this year, well over the 500 we had in 2008 before the economy crashed (we only had 300 people through here in 2009). Sure, we had a few incentives such as cheaper transportation and lodging, but regardless it amazes me how the faithful of God came forward during the crisis in the U.S. to make a difference in the lives of those who still have far less than do we. I’ve said it before and I say it again… I work with the best people; those of faith, but whose faith carries them into the world to make a difference. Thanks again for your dynamic faith, for we could not do what we do without you.

We changed locations this year, as the theft and danger of San Jose became too much for us to expect teams, and the organization, to deal with. I was even shot at June 1, 2009, between Guadalupe and Moravia (between the church where teams lodged and my office). We therefore elected to leave San Jose (don’t worry, we’re still supporting and visiting the ministry in Los Guido), as we did not want a violent crime to be perpetrated again a team or one of it’s members. We chose Carrillos Bajos of Poas, just 20 minutes from the airport in the opposite direction of San Jose. Carrillos has a much more rural feel, and this has allowed teams to spend more time in the community getting to know the locals, as it’s much safer to move around even during evening hours. The community has welcomed us with open arms, and the children look forward to seeing teams arrive at the back gate. We are active with both the Evangelical Methodist Church located and the Assembly of God Church located here, in construction, with their new feeding programs, and with worship and VBS activities with their children. At this time we also have the Carver family from Kentucky, Bruce, Kathy, Chessa & Naomi, here for 4 months teaching English to the locals. Kathy teaches ESL in the U.S., so this has been quite a service both to my workers and the community at large. They have an estimated 65 people or so to whom they’re teaching, ranging from children to adults, with classes being offered several times a week for each group of students. It is quite a ministry in and of itself, and this family has become endeared to us at Strong Missions and to the community at large. Future projects abound, so we expect to continue the work here in Carrillos for several more years at least, before we move to another nearby small town and begin community development there as well. We hope all will come and experience Carrillos, as it is indeed fertile ground.

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