As an added bonus 10% of all sales come back to Strong Missions to support our feeding, education, and extra-curricular activity programs.
Here is a note from Chris:
The Inaugural shipment is in and we are pleased to bring you charitablegrounds.com, our brand new online store. Read the story and check out the shop. Try out a bag or two with a one-time purchase or sign up for a monthly subscription for convenience and best pricing.
Heads up! We're currently working to resolve an issue that limits you to one coffee subscription per checkout. Our vendor says our site will be upgraded within a few weeks to allow for multiple subscription purchases in a single checkout. In the mean time, simply make multiple purchases if you'd like more coffee from us delivered monthly for our best price. It's worth the extra minute or two, in our humble opinion!
Join us on our coffee adventure with a subscription and take 20% off any subscription product with this coupon code: "AUGSM20". Your monthly shipment will help support our mission partner and our startup business. We should taste the good together. Offer valid through Friday, August 20st, 2015. Cannot be combined with any other coupon.
We've heard feedback on pricing! We dropped the subscription sign up fee and we're working out an even better deal to send to all friends of Strong Missions...