Youth, College, Adult and Family Mission Trips to Costa Rica

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Update part 2 of 3

On to projects…We’re finishing up the community park/playground as we speak, and we’ve begun building the new office and apartments for the interns and program assistants. Office construction began the first of April and will be done by the middle of May.

Beginning the end of May we’ll finish up the park and begin a house for a member of the local Methodist Church. Don Oscar is the patriarch of 7 family members crammed into a house that could fall during the next strong earthquake. We therefore plan to have that project finished by August at the latest.

Summer months will also hold the return to the feeding program/parsonage building construction at the local Methodist Church, and this project will become our priority project (like the park up until now) until it is done, probably lasting 2 more years after this summer. When it is finished we’ll be able to feed 100 children there. In addition, this summer we’re adding a second floor to the local Assembly of God Church, also so that we can feed as many as 100 hundred children there in the near future. Both of these churches now have temporary feeding programs, but there are approximately 200 children in the Carrillos areas who need better nutrition, all the time.

In the fall the plan is to build a house in the southern part of Costa Rica for Alvaro’s mother. He bought a piece of land for her, but simply cannot afford to build her a house. She desperately needs one as once or twice a year the area river floods and she has water up to her waist. Alvaro’s other brother sleeps in the ceiling to keep an eye on their things when there’s water in the house. It’s time to eliminate this stress from all their lives and get her into a small house on the new, safe piece of land. This should take us 6 weeks, and it will be completed between the Fall teams, who will work mostly in the Methodist Church in Carrillos.

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